Empty Cds 50 Pcs

Choose not only the product, but also the language Cake Box (plastic box, discs on the spindle) Plastic box cake for CD / DVD disks for 25 pcs will keep your disks in a compact place, convenient to transport. On Prom.ua 3 years | Reviews: 59 per year Empty cake for 25 pcs CD / DVD discs Code: 218 C.O.D Payment by requisites Cash on delivery "Nova Poshta" Popular manufacturers in the DVD, BD and CD category Not so long ago, optical discs were at the very top of popularity, but now their demand has decreased significantly. About twenty years have passed since the first computers with a floppy drive appeared, and CDs can already be classified as floppy disks. Despite this, it is possible to list a number of industries where they are still abundantly used on a large scale. They have found wide application in the field of sound recording and, oddly enough, in the field of IT technologies. Computer scientists often use such media to record drivers or other programs. They are also used in contemporary art, making whole compositions from them. They are a f Empty Cds 50 Pcs lat plastic surface with a hole in the very center and a protective layer applied around the entire perimeter, the reading of which is reproduced using laser beams with a wavelength of about 780 nm, which are present in disk drives of many devices, including this equipment is typical for laptops and computers ... The technical characteristics of an optical disc include such a parameter as the track width, which is 1.6 microns. Also an important feature is the length of the pit, the minimum is represented by a size of 0.833 microns. The oldest progenitor of the disc is considered to be a record for a gramophone, because the structure is almost identical, considering the huge dimensions of the records. But a distinctive feature is the absence of laser film in one copy, and its presence in a more modern analogue. Laser data recording technology itself was invented before the advent of the first computer devices and was applied to musical devices for the purpose of reproducing and processing music and musical compositions. All rights to this development belong to the Soviet scientists Basov and Prokhorov. A few years later, a method of recording on optics using computers was also invented. The inventor of this was James Russell. Although optical discs have practically disappeared into oblivion, this only applies to their original types, such as CD. More modern varieties of this subject, on the contrary, are only gaining momentum, attracting attention to themselves. All lines of released discs can be divided into several generations. Based on this criterion, the familiar and familiar to everyone, the CD can be unconditionally classified as a first-generation device. The well-known analogue of DVD-disc or dvd rw is also subject to the second wave, it differs significantly from the previous version, at least in that it was originally intended to use a wider range of devices. The optical disc has a denser surface and is capable of reading large information sizes, the minimum volume is about 5 gigabytes. In the third generation, the world saw more innovative models, qualitatively different from the previous two series. In this series, legends such as Blu-ray Disc and HD DVD have been released and presented. The first model literally made a splash in the field of technology and broke all sales records. In standard Blu-ray operation, a blue-violet laser with an optimal wavelength of about 405 nm is used for operation. Traditional optical discs use red and infrared lasers with wavelengths of 650 nm and 780 nm. This reduction made it possible to reduce the track in half compared to DVD (up to 0.32 microns) and to increase the information recording density. Despite its innovativeness, it is a common occurrence, since you can choose and find it in almost any store. https://jiji.ug/kampala/cds-and-dvds/empty-cds-50-pcs-pMuTPtnIh9FNPV2IFVCbM9kP.html


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