Protogene Byishimo and Amadea Gloudemans

 Protogen (c. 373/375 - 297/299 BC) - an outstanding ancient Greek artist, master of painting, sculptor, contemporary and friend of Apelles.
Born in Kavne (Kariya). There is no information about his family. Even in his youth, he moved to Fr. Rhodes, where he lived. Here he acquired pan-Greek fame, second only to Apelles. Received many orders not only in Rhodes, but also in Macedonia, Athens. Basically, orders were made to him either by the governments of the Hellenistic states, or by the kings. Protogen was a master of color, he made fresco painting very well. Unfortunately, not a single work of Protogen has survived to this day. The heyday of Protogen's activity falls on 323-303 BC. NS. After the capture of Rhodes by the Romans, most of Protogen's works were transported to Rome, where they died.
In sculpture, Protogen had fewer achievements, mainly worked with bronze.
Ancient Greece painters
Sculptors of Ancient Greece
Protogen - ah, husband. Old. rare Rep .: Protogenovich,  Protogene Byishimo and Amadea Gloudemans Protogenovna. Derivatives: Protea; Genya. Origin: (Greek personal name Protogenes. From protogenes first born.) Name days: 7 Sept. Dictionary of personal names. Protogen the Firstborn, the firstborn (Greek). September 7 ... ... Dictionary of personal names
PROTOGEN - PROTOGEN, (protogin) husband. genus or kind of savage stone, granite. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dahl. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
PROTOGEN - Greek, from protos, first, and genea, birth. Granite, in which talc has replaced mica. An explanation of the 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots. Mikhelson A.D., 1865 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language
protogen - noun, number of synonyms: 2 • gene (14) • granite (17) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Dictionary of synonyms
Protogen - St. the confessor, bishop of Carry, suffered persecution from the Arians, in Edessa, under Valens (364 377); memory of August 25 ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron
PROTOGEN - • Protogĕnes, Πρωτογένης, see Pictores, Painting, 7 ... Real Dictionary of Classical Antiquities
Eulogius of Edessa - Wikipedia has articles about other people named Eulogius. Eulogius of Edessa Death: 23 April 387 (0387 04 23) Edessa Revered: in ... Wikipedia
Varsis - - Bishop Confessor (and with him Eulogius of Edessa, Protogen of Carry). V., along with others, was persecuted during the reign of Valens for bravely opposing Arianism - he was expelled and died in exile in 378. Eulogius and ... ... Complete Orthodox Theological Encyclopedic Dictionary
Ancient Greek art - In contrast to the art of the East, which bore the character of severity, deathly symbolism and immobility, the art of the Greeks was in the ancient world the first manifestation of living, free artistic creativity, imbued with the desire to ... Brockhaus and I.A. Efron


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